Author Archives: Pcampuzano

Swim Strong Foundation

So the non-profit I chose was the Swim Strong foundation. It is a non-profit organization that focus on bringing the skill of swimming to every day people for extremely cheap. They often award scholarship for swimming classes because there mission is to provide swimming classes to everyday people no matter who or what there situation is. As they often say swimming is a life skill that will maintain with you for life. Not only that they often promote local swimming competitions and other swimming organizations. They offer classes to any age group, starting from 3 years old all they way up too how ever old your willing to come in. They specialize in many different people, such as people who are scared of the water children and special needs. They work in many local pools in many different boroughs in order to make sure you have a local meeting place for pools because in New York it’s pretty hard to find cheap pools classes that often don’t break the bank. They have once a year were they open up the pools to people and teach them cpr water saftey as well as free lessons for a whole week at all of their location. Compared to other swimming programs they offer some of the best pricing per classes as well as set in amazing pools you would never think exist in the area. I personally work for this non profit and to teach people how to swim is amazing. Most kids and some adult qualify for the scholarship allowing many to take the class for free, teaching them a skill they will always remember. They are a small non profit not big as well as have small classes because they believe in smaller classes gives you more of a 1 on 1 things that aren’t often hard to find cheap now a days. Just for comparison a private swimming lesson can cost in new work around $40-$150 an hour and  about $300 for 8 classes or getting the scholarship. They will at time host local competition or help you train or refine your skills as well as have Olympic swimmer come to teach some skills they many will have to pay thousands to get. They often try to reach out to the community trying to get them involve with the programs as well give back as well. Drowning is the number one water based deaths in the world, more people die of drowning then anything else. So learning how to swim and the do’s and don’t is number one for them because not many people know what they should do in water situations.