Author Archives: jose rodriguez

non-profit : Children of Promise NYC

The local non-profit organization I’ve chosen is called Children of promise NYC. The organization was founded by Sharon Content in 2009. She has personal experience in her parents getting incarcerated, she noticed that there was a lack of support in helping other kids that were going through the same situation as she did. The organization main goal is to help the young children whose parents are incarcerated to not end up the same way as their parents, to push them to get educated and to have a positive future that leads to success. Since 2009 CPNYC (Children of promise NYC) have helped over 1,500 children.In 2013 CPNYC helped the children get in contact with there parents that are incarcerated via mail, and this will help every week. So far they have raised 5 million dollars which helped them hire more staff which led to being able to help more children. With the money raised they also added more programs to help push the children and so they can enjoy what they are learning. CPNYC is supported by big companies such as HBO, Kohl’s, Star Bucks, New York Nets, and about 55 other organizations. First thing the organization can approve on is to train educate the employees of what the organization has to offer to the families who need help. Employees didn’t seem as if they knew one hundred percent the programs they had to offer. I thought I was the only one that experienced this situation but I also read reviews online of other customers experiencing similar situations. Another thing to help increase the organization work is to open new facilities in Manhattan, queens or possibly in a different state so they can reach other kids around the state or country. While expanding their message will also reach different cities , and help thousands of more kids. But this is a long term goal because it would take while to open more facilities around the country and be able to raise the amount of money needed to begin the goal. My opinion about this organization CPNYC is that it has progressed rapidly since the beginning, they first served about 150 children/ families ,and now they serve around 600 children/families. Plus with the money they have raised they are definitely putting it into good use, but to me it’s very important to spread their message not just in New York but around the country to help thousands of other children who suffer from parental incarceration.