Author Archives: chrisllig10

Sunnyside Community Services

Sunnyside Community Services is a non-profit organization in Queens, NY. I have known about this organization since I was in high school. Every year, especially around the holidays, we would collect food for the food drive that would then be delivered to the center, which was only a few blocks away from the school. This non-profit organization is known by almost everyone in the community because it includes services for everyone, from a child to a senior. Once, I walk in a volunteer named Singh, provided me assistance, so I ask him, how do the people that come to the center know about the services that are given every week? He stated, “We actually have a website where you can sign up for a newsletter about our services and the programs that are provided that week.” Their mission which was told by one of the volunteers there to, “strengthen their community by providing a continuum of vital services that enrich the lives of people of all ages”. Being at the center for a few minutes I was able to tell that they were doing exactly that because they had programs for every age such as tutoring and teaching seniors how to use a computer. To gather more information about the non-profit organization I went to the center and talked with one of the volunteers. I was curious, so I ask one of the volunteer’s named John, about if this community is so far how would the people get here. He responded with “Yes our mission is to provide services for everyone. For those individuals that are not able to come because of how far it is or because they are unable to walk, we provide buses from their homes to the center. One just has to give us a call to provide these services.” A thought came to my mind and I ask him when has this organization started. He stated, “I learned that it was actually established as a senior center first in 1974, Then they began introducing youth services in 1983. Each year the organization has provided services for about 14,000 people.” They have and are still providing educational enrichment to children, teens and to college students. For the adults, they provide English for Speakers of Other Languages and course Home Health Aide Training. For the seniors, the non-profit organization offers 30 fitness, arts, educational and recreational activities each week.

The seniors enjoy being here and you can tell once you step a foot in the center. They’re smiling and talking to each other while eating the nutritious food the organization provides for them.