Author Archives: Ahmad

Hope-Brooklyn: Ahmad Abuameir

Year after year the united states gets an overflow of immigrants from around the globe weather its refugees tourist or illegal immigrants trying to start fresh with an abundance of opportunity to fulfill.But how do they get the befits they need? some immigrants do not know the befits they could acquire in this country and take control off.Thats where Hope Brooklyn comes immigration Brooklyn is a non profitable organization located in Bay ridge it started as a very small work organization in 2004 exclusively.

Taking in Middle Eastern customers at the time due to the massive outrage happening in the middle east with tons of refugee flowing in to theUnited states of America the organizations goal at the time was to provide for the overflowing refugees with social security,food stamps and many more government befits provided by New York city as the Immigration Hope was starting out just getting on its feet.While  the situation in the Middle East was getting drastically worse and worse with more overflowing refugees from all around the middle east started to flow in New York city and eventually had a massive impact on immigration Hope around 2007 thats when they decided to branch out even more the company’s man goal was to provide for immigrants form the middle east but since they expanded the organization drastically they made the decision to expand further and bigger which ultimately led to a bold decision to open up the company even more with having different ethnicity and cutlers from around the world in 2012 they have changed the organization to open up to different races and immigrants from around the world including Hispanics,Asians,South Americans to have a chance at acquiring social security and other benefits provided for them and have an equal voice as the rest of the Americans Immigration Hope is still standing strong constantly busy and providing the needed in ways they never thought they could get.