Whole Planet Foundation

           The non-profit organization that I chose was the Whole Planet Foundation by WholeFoods. The organization helps collect money to help people world wide to sell their products in local WholeFoods. They’ll sell hand made woven baskets and hand made candles of their own. I’ve seen the rugs and clothes that many of the entrepreneurs make and are credited for when the item is sold. They help the less fortunate make money for themselves by giving them a loan to run their own business. Many of the entrepreneurs are female and make the most out come for their families. For example Delia from Paraguay has her own masonry business that the Whole Planet helped to start by giving her a loan. By doing that her business not only grew but she was able to help her community and the unemployed by giving them jobs. Also, help by supporting her family in the struggling poverty control in her country. The foundation can do more than that though to help the world more. Instead of just distributing their products at only WholeFoods markets they should try and sell their products elsewhere. They can sell them at other supermarkets like KeyFood, Trader Joe’s, or Shoprite.  By doing this it’ll help increase their profit and spread their work. Also, they could bring it to local farmers markets that come around during the season. They should also integrate with other countries supermarket. This will help the growing businesses grow more and go international with their product. There aren’t many meetings to attend but the one that did happen was about how to keep pushing their product forward to be sold. Not only by the sale that’s happening but the importance of the season. The products are all at a constant rotation and helpful to the need of the season. There products are also sold at bit higher price than regular items because they cost out the total to send it back to the company. If the company can visit the entrepreneurs more to give advice will also be helpful. They visit yearly but should visit at least every six moths to keep in check on the growing business to see if they need anything for it. This foundation gives a lot of supports to it’s entrepreneurs and makes them in control of their lives. And their making all the choices for their family and benefiting their community.

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