Big Brothers and Big Sisters

I decided to make my blog post about the nonprofit organization that is “Big Brother Big Sisters of America”. They are a nonprofit organization that provides mentoring for kids to help them reach their full potential in life. They are available with their services across the United States of America. (Hence the name). I spoke with a friend of mine and got in contact with their friend who is the executive director of the program in her hometown of Logansport, Indiana. I interviewed Rebecca M over the phone to get the inside info of what she does and how it ties in with the values of the program. In her case, she multitasks with both background and foreground work. She helps out with the pairings of the siblings. She does the intensive background check of the mentors to make sure everything checks out clearly to clear them to be in the program. She also helps out with fundraisers to bring awareness to what the program is complaining. As well as getting funds to allow the program to continue to change the lives of those kids. I asked her what about her job she loves the most. She loves how it is fulfilling. It keeps her happy knowing she is helping out the community and changing the future lives of the kids. It warms her heart knowing she is doing good.

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