Staten Island urban center

The local nonprofit organization I chose in the Staten Island urban center. The organization is ran by a woman named Kelly Vilar. I had the pleaser of working for the Urban center and Mrs. Vilar last year. I attended a meeting in which Kelly Vilar explained to me and about twenty other people what her vision is and what she is planning to accomplish. Mrs. Vilar stated that “our mission is to inspire and educate and work with youth to better our communities”. From experience working with the Staten Island Urban Center for more than a year I worked with tons of kids. We helped with kids express themselves and helped them through tough times at home. Overall trying to better the youth for a brighter future. One major thing the Urban Center is trying to have Cromwell rebuilt. Cromwell is a sports center that use to be built near the Staten island ferry but due to hurricanes and other such thing the old building collapsed.  This was a very big loss for the community’s youth as this is where they’d spend a lot of their time. It was filled with basketball courts, a full track, swimming pools and other such things. Kelly has gotten the rebuild project approved by the city of New York, though the city is taking its time to get it accomplished. Kelly Vilar has gone as far to meet with mayor Bill de Blasio about this being accomplished. She has the full support from the mayor to get this done and build it for the youth of New York. Mrs. Vilar also this will also create more jobs for people in the area of the Staten Island ferry. I feel that Mrs. Kelly Vilar is doing everything she can for the youth. She holds after school for students they can get help with their homework and also teach some kids how to play an instrument. Overall the urban center has had nothing but a positive impact on both the people of the community and the community its self. If Kelly Vilar keeps doing what she’s doing she is going to change more then just her community she is going to change the future for all the kids and people she has helped and will help in the coming years. Kelly her self wants nothing but whats best for these kids. She wants to help them shape their future for the better.

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