Bangladesh Society

The local organization I have chose to speak about is the Bangladesh society located in the Bronx. The Bangladesh society’s goal is to be active in the community by helping the people and to bring about change. This organization began in 1989 where it’s goal then was to help immigrants transition into their new lives in America.  The society showed immigrants how to get healthcare and find a suitable homes for the immigrants. The person I interviewed is a member of the Bangladesh society and my father. He has been in the group for many years and has experienced first hand how it is run. He told me the many changes that the society have done in the community like help create local businesses and to keep them running. Also they help local politicians get the recognition they deserve. Plus they support many religious place by donations and help with any programs. As well as many other changes. The society is so recognized in the Bronx that they got to change a street name. The Bangladesh society reaches out to the community by hosting street fair and programs. The society is run by a democracy , which means the elect new leaders for the group. This helps bring new ideas to better the group and the community.  While still following the goals of their predecessors. So far the Bangladesh society is only stationed in the Bronx , but maybe in the future it will grow to be worldwide. As a child I had an opportunity to witness many meetings. What I saw was not only people from Bangladesh got to attend the meetings but everyone from the community and other communities coming together to see change. Everyone treating each other like family. Everyone enjoyed themselves and I made many friends from my time there. In the society everyone has a voice and everyone matters. With some popularity I believe this group will be able grows and make more changes. In the future real change will be achievable and the Bronx will be a better place because of it. There are many things that the group have set planned for the future. With help from other groups we will be able to bring New York City to greater highest and to greatness. This group is probably one of the way to bring change.   This is my summary of a local group in my community.

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