Lab#2-Taking a vacation

Lab # 2

Section 8: Taking a Vacation

For the purpose of this lab we would be working with Section 7: Functions and Section 8: Taking a vacation in code academy. Section 7 reviews the fundamentals of writing functions to calculate different outputs. But for this lab I will be mainly working with Section 8:Taking a vacation, where I write a code that calculates the amount of money that would be spend in hotel cost, plane cost, rental car cost, and money spend on during the vacation. While writing this code I found myself having trouble with the specific parts of the codes, such as the location of commas, parenthesis, and colons. Whenever I summit the code I will get syntax errors, and how I put codes in the wrong places. I became frustrated of how the code was right but it was just badly position. But as I moved on the section I came to grasp the basic idea of what the purpose of the code. The end result was a code that calculates the cost of a vacation, whether the user want to go to Los Angeles or Pittsburgh, how much the hotel per night might cost, or the cost of a rented car in days. This code will calculate It depending on the code depending on what the user chooses.

lab 2