
Isy stands for Isis Samoye Young. The name is pronounced “Icy”, but the letter C is replaced with the letter S. Cool, calm and collected, this logo represents my personality. I’ve been described by many as a breath of fresh air. Friends, family and acquaintances who encounter me, view me as a fiery and passionate person, but also a chill and cool individual. Someone who is popular, easy to interact with and be around. The color blue represents a variety of feelings, and can represent the highest and lowest of emotions. In this case, the blue hues used from the snowflakes, to the initials, to the background symbolizes someone who is simple, creative and of a peaceful stature, hence the usage of lighter blues colors and hues, instead of darker and more intense hues. Looking at this logo I want people to know that Isis is cool, there’s no need to go deeper, she’s just cool!!!