AutoCAD Work

Over Spring 2018 semester I was part of the ENT 1108 course taught by John McCullough. Where we mainly concentrate on the computer-aided design and drafting software application AutoCAD. Below is some of my work done over the semester.


AutoCAD - Lab 5
This was the first lab work assigned in this course, for me one of the most challenging because at the time I did not know anything about the program. In this lab, we learned several commands that became essential in all my future work in AutoCAD. e.g Line (L), Xline (XL), Rectangle (REC), Offset (O), Trim (TR), Mirror (MI) and many more.


AutoCAD - Lab 6
In this Lab, we learned how to create viewports and layers. We also learned about entertainment standards when it comes to dimensioning in our drawing. Finally, we learned how to place our drawing in paper space to plot. Useful commands: Plot, Paper Space (PS), Layer Manager (LA), Dimaligned (DAL), DIM, Viewports.


AutoCAD - Lab 7
This was something new and exciting to learn. In Lab 7 we were introduced to sections and hidden lines. From a block made of 1×3 pine, we took measurements and draw a front, top, bottom and side view. It was very confusing to get the whole concept of section drawings. It took me several edits to get it right. Construction Lines were essential in this drawing.


Center Line Section
Center Line Section. We identify the cutting plane for each object and implement hatching for the first time.
Title Block
Looks simple, but it took me over 40 min to make this title block.

LAB_9ID4-Layout2 LAB_9ID4-Layout1

Lab 8
Ground Plan. This project was very time consuming,  it’s a combination of all the commands we learned throughout the semester.
Section View
Section View of previous Ground Plan.


Model Space
This is a screenshot of my model space for the ground plan and section above. I used a 45-degree line and construction lines to sketch my section drawing from my ground plan.