
This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The ePortfolio is both a Learning Blog and an Academic Career Portfolio. Use the Learning Blog to document your learning experiences and class assignments each semester.Ā As time goes by, add content to the Academics and Career sections to show your department, graduate institutions, orĀ future employers how well prepared you are for your chosen career.

NOTE: Remember to add appropriateĀ CategoriesĀ and TagsĀ to your posts. This will help your professors and other visitors find the content they are looking for. The Categories “Coursework” and “Field Trips” and the Tags “OpenLab” and “City Tech” have already been applied to this post. Feel free to make changes!

One thought on “Welcome!

  1. Ida V Post author

    Throughout my journey as a nursing student at first and now as a practicing registered nurse I was able to gain valuable experience that will guide me both as a professional as well as an individual. In the beginning of my education, I saw nursing as a career path or a medical professional and as an occupation. However, as I was gradually introduced into the field, I started to realize how the profession gives me the unique opportunity to express myself as a human being and at the same time advance my clinical skills. The nursing profession is often identified as both a science and an art. I am grateful to combine both scientific knowledge as well as simple gestures such as holding someoneā€™s hand in order to help a person feel better and provide a safe environment for the individual. In my opinion, nurses are in the unique positon to help people during the most difficult times. One of the most stressful events for a human being is to have health issues or see suffering of a loved one. I am honored to be able to provide comforting measures and support to those who are in a vulnerable state. Aside from the education completed in the college, the registered nurse can use his/her intuition and inner feeling in order to understand the clientā€™s physical symptoms. I think that physical discomfort can be in a way relieved with the caring presence and attention of a health care professional. As I continue to advance in my nursing career, I begin to understand how my profession affects my life outside of the workplace. Nursing allows one to become more attentive to my family and close ones and gave me the opportunity to help people in various situations. Nurses become problem solvers and learn to communicate with different people depending on the specific needs. Communicating with individuals who come from various cultural backgrounds allows the nurse to become more aware and knowledgeable about the world around us. The profession of a Registered Nurse makes an individual grow, while becoming more mature and responsible as there is nothing more valuable than a personā€™s life and well-being.


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