Nursing Philosophy

I always wanted to be a nurse from the beginning of my college life. Nursing was always my first and final major and I was determined to be a Registered Nurse. I was always curious to learn about the human body system and disease processes and I think that that influenced me even more to become a nurse.

To me, nursing is to give the best and safest care to the patient from evidence based knowledge. I believe that as a nurse, we should be knowledgeable and carry our moral and ethical values with us at all times. I always make sure that I am doing the right thing for my patient and that I give actual care based on what they need because I know that I am dealing with people’s life which is not a joke.

I always try to be honest and truthful. In addition, I always make an effort to try and keep my promises to my patient so that they can trust me as their caregiver. Personally, I do not like to pretend about anything that I don’t know. Therefore, I do not hesitate to ask my co-workers about areas in which I am lacking in because a patient’s life is much more valuable to me. I educate my patients and advocate them too as I believe that it is part of my responsibility. Additionally, in that way, I will be able to see my patient- nurse goals.

To become a competent skilled nurse, I always try to educate myself to do better the next day for me and my patient. Learning never ends for nursing, so I am always willing to learn and gain experiences every day.