Author Archives: Jessica Hawkins

“What is Fiction?”: Group Work January 30th.2013

Group: 7 Note-taking/Transcriber – Thad (Thad Mangar) Presenter – Melissa (melissa) Poster [Open Lab] – Jessica (Jessica Hawkins) Editor [Open Lab] – Da-Shawn (Murray.Dashaun) Combined Definition: Fiction is the imagination of the authors creative ideas told in a story.

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What is Fiction?

To me fiction is a genre of stories made up by others creativity and imagination. Fiction shows creative thinking and the ability to think of something you haven’t seen before. Fiction is powerful because it gives you the ability to make it anything you want and leave out everything you … Continue reading

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Three Questions

1.  How open is the syllabus reading list to be changed a text or two into a reading the class all agrees on? 2. What exactly is peer review? I know its others reading your work but will we be graded on their judgment? … Continue reading

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My Introduction

My name is Jessica.This is my second year at City Tech. I’m a Liberal Arts Major. I’m considering the healthcare field. I’m not exactly sure what direction I want to go within it. There are so many different opportunities and branches to go into. … Continue reading

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