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CUNY Public health innovation accelerator program
Design Competition for Preventing the Coronavirus Disease and Spending Time Usefully during the Stay-at-home Era
CUNY City Tech’s Industrial Design Technology Programat Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology Presents
Design Competition for Preventing the Coronavirus Disease and Spending Time Usefully during the Stay-at-home Era
Call for innovative ideas: any innovation or design for a product that can help preventing coronavirus disease (mask, robot, drone, shield, bottle of hand sanitizer, devise, sensor etc) or spending time usefully/productively at home during staying home (gym exercise tools etc). Start brainstorming, hand drawing, 3D modeling, then we will have presentations.
1.Sketch (hand drawing) your idea on a paper,
2.Take a picture, and
3.Send the image file to Professor Masato R. Nakamura ( ) by 5pm, Friday, 4/24/2020
* You will have a chance to present your idea among professionals and industrial design students as well as have feedback from them.
This design competition is held in conjunction with a IND 2410 Industrial Design II coursework project. It is open to CUNY’s City Tech and Brooklyn communities. An excellent design will be recommended to present in a conference/startup event in the future.
Second online class 4/2/2020
Dear industrial design II class,
We will have an online class today 4/2/2020 from 6pm. Login to the blackboard and join the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
See you all,
Professor Nakamura
Day08 3/26/2020
Go to blackboard
and then on the left side -> content section -> the midterm exam .
Good luck.
Day07 3/19/2020
Hi class,
How’s everything?
Who is online now?
Post your comment.
Dear class,
Please be advised that we have a new schedule updated:
3/12 no class due to the instructional recess
3/19 First online class
3/26 Day08 Online midterm exam
4/02 Day09 Second online class (Starting Project I)
4/09 Spring break
4/16 Day10 Third online class (Finish brainstorming[handdrawing])
4/23 Day11 Forth online class (Finish 3D CAD modeling)
4/30 Day12 Project I Presentation
5/07 Day13
5/14 Day14
5/21 Day15 final exam week: Final Project: design project for improving the home environment
I will activate blackboard for this class.
Stay home, stay safe, and stay connected.
Dr. Masato Nakamura
4/23/2020 Updated
HW03 3/5/2020
Using the brainstorming that you did in EX06, make a 3D CAD model and prepare for the presentation next week.
EX06 3/5/2020
Using von Restoff Effect or Constraint in design, start brainstorming for a product that you want to design.
Day06 3/5/2020
Do you have any question on EX05 and HW2?
We will have a review next week for midterm
3/12 Day07 Review
3/19 Day08 Midterm