Day01 (1/30/2020)

Hi Class!

How are you today! Welcome to the Industrial Design II course. Could you introduce yourself including:

  1. Your name
  2. Why did you choose the industrial design major and how do you like studying industrial design?
  3. Do you have any future goals as a designer? Which industry do you want to go to?

7 thoughts on “Day01 (1/30/2020)”

  1. My name’s Lina, IND was the only major I was interested in among all departments in citytech. I like designing and creating something from zero to a whole. In the future I would like to focus on product design or packaging design.

  2. 1. My name is Anthony Cirelli
    2. I really enjoy Industrial Design it is very interesting to me and I always have loved the idea of designing. I chose industrial design as my major because one day I hope to design cars and choosing ID as a major is a step in the right direction.
    3. Like I had already stated my future goals as an industrial designer is to design cars. My dream is to one day work for either Ford or GM as a member of their car design team.

  3. 1) Rashawn Bowen
    2) I chose industrial design because i love to create. i like studying it because it helps improve my skills as an inventor.
    3) my future goal is to become a famous free lance designer. The industry i mainly want to get involved with is set design and consumer electronics.

  4. 1. Masa Nakamura
    2. Industrial Design is very interesting to me. Design can solve some problems that engineers cannot provide efficiently. Also, Industrial design can provide a very good user experience.
    3. I want to create a smart device that can help our sustainable society. That is my goal.

  5. Hello, I am doing okay, a bit tired how are you?
    I choose Industrial Design because it was the major most compatible with Packaging Science. I like that I am able to study many different CAD programs and master it.
    I would like to become a Packaging Designer (more technical design working with the structure of the package). I would like to work for one of the big fortune 500 companies (ei. Unilever, Johnson &Johnson, Mondelez etc…) and work in there R&D department under the Packaging Development section. My goal is to go back to P&G because I enjoyed my internship experience there.

  6. Stephen Ricketts-

    ‘Why did you choose the industrial design major and how do you like studying industrial design?

    It was recommended to me because it is a fusion between art and engineering and an evolving field in some regards.
    ‘Do you have any future goals as a designer? Which industry do you want to go to?
    Technically no. Even so at the moment I’m thinking of becoming a quality inspection &engineering… More specifically home inspections. Away from that I’m unsure.

  7. Hi,
    My name is Sheng Chen.
    The reason why I chose the industrial design. Because I am a transfer student and my original major is CIS. I wasn’t feels doing good at this major. and later on, my friend recommended me to take mechanical engineering as a new major. Therefore, I took mechanical engineering as my new major and I feel I am more interested in industrial design.
    In the future, I want to found a job in a small company. And design and make some small products which can be recycle such as cans and bottle.

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