16 thoughts on “Question04

  1. Good afternoon, Professor. I am doing well today. In our last class we spoke about the 80/20 Rule which basically states 80% of a result comes from 20% of the action done.

  2. I am good. I like fall, and today is the day of mid autumn festival. It is a big festival for Chinese. We eat moon-cakes in this day.

    Definition of Industrial designer, a combination of applied arts and applied science.

  3. I am doing pretty good. Tired and have too much reading to do but I’ll survive.

    Last week we discussed design. The definition of design and its principles such as rhythm, emphasis, balance and unity. We also discussed the Elements of design and the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 is simply 80% of you output is based on 20% of your input.

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