
Lab #1 consisted of us going onto the code academy website to learn the basics of how to type code in Python. It was very easy to write the code because detailed instructions on what to do were given on the side.Hints were also available if you needed extra help. I learned  how to properly write single & multiple line comments. I’ve also learned how to re-assign different variables & values.My experience with this website was beneficial as I see this site being very helpful for when things get more complicated.Down below will be screenshots of all the code I’ve typed during the Lab. 1 2 3 4 Capture


Lab#2 taught me how to use for loop so that we don’t need to keep typing the same commands over & over again. Here’s an example of how a for loop is used & what it does.

idris lab #2


Fermat’s Last Theorem Lab

This lab consisted of me trying to prove Fermats theorem wrong. I couldn’t find any numbers that proved his theorem wrong though.

fermats theorem fermats theorem2


Code Academy Date & Time Lab

During this lab we learned about strings and how to set them up in both upper and lower case. We also learned about using the percent sign in order to substitute certain arguments in our string.

1 2 3 4 Capture