3771 Course Blog

Week 1

The Performance-Based Hiring is a process to ensure that the person being hired is determined by the candidate’s accomplishments to assess competency and motivation for all the performance objectives listed in the job description. The Performance-Based Hiring is meant to distinguish talented candidates among skilled people, that the job itself represents the best career move among competing opportunities. The Performance-Based Hiring focuses in the career opportunity and the impact the person could make in the company, rather than monetary compensation.

Since the very first moment I took the decision to go back to school, the construction of my professional identity has began. I probably did not have any clue how or where to start but I had the inspiration, determination and motive to do my best. I’ve worked hard to stand out as a student while having a full time job which shows how much I’ve improved my time management skills. Also, I’m constantly putting myself ahead of the game in whatever I’m doing. I’ve been asking around, meeting professors and even sending emails to see if I can get an opportunity to show that I am competent, talented and with a will to learn as much as I can. I’ve become an honor student and not only by getting good grades, but actually building relationships with my professors. Part of my inspiration is from them, their lectures, experiences and advises had made me look up to them as mentors.

After being in my second semester of my program, I have attended workshops, job fairs and sent out resumes in the search of volunteering/intern jobs in my field. I’ve recently gotten the chance to get a summer job as a college aide at the Department of Design and Construction.

Week 2.1

The “Achiever Personae” is the ideal employee that companies look for. It’s the candidate that gets recognized because of his/her exceptional performance at work. It’s the top people that always get incentives from companies such as early promotions, special awards or bonuses. The Achiever Personae are usually assigned with the toughest and most difficult projects or clients. It is the small percentage of employees that stand out because they go an extra mile to not only get their jobs done effectively, but also to open new opportunities for the company or get more resources for the company to grow.

As the name itself says, “Achiever Personae”, is the candidate that must have the ambition to achieve beyond his job objectives. This candidate is always searching for an upward progress, looking for job opportunities as forward movements in their career’s path. It is a candidate that aims for excellence at his performance at work.

I believe I do have an Achiever Personae in myself. I had assessed my weakness and worked on them. All of my jobs, I have always looked for a better opportunity. Every job experience had been a new challenge for me. In some of them, I acquired new skills and in others, I had pushed myself to develop them. All my jobs had meant a sort of upward progress, not probably in my professional aspect but definitely they had shaped up the Achiever Personae that I am today. Since, I’ve never worked in my professional aspect, I think I still need to work on many more traits to keep achieving in life what I want to have in my future career. I think I have the base of that “Achiever Personae” candidate most companies look for.

Week 2.2

My greatest accomplishment has been not only going back to school and continue my studies uninterruptedly , but, achieving and maintaining an excellent academic performance while keeping a full time job.

Last Spring 2015 Semester, unfortunately I couldn’t take a required major classes at my home school because it conflicts with my job schedule. This meant without this class, I would’ve had to wait about a semester or a year to be able to take it. So I decided to take it on another campus. The only issue was that the class was only given in one college that was about 2h and 30 min commute each way and the schedule was only evening hours.

So, I knew that the commuting was going to be a problem, but I couldn’t afford to wait out for a semester and delay my progress in college. So, in a week I got my driver permit, and within a month I got my driver license. Fortunately, a relative of mine had her job closer to the school than my home. So every morning I would drive my relative to her job then get back to my job and then pick her up to return her car. I wasn’t easy at all, but I was saving about an hour and a half per day, which for a student with a full time job is priceless.

I not only performed well in the class but I earned above average grade in the class. The hour and a half I saved those three months, I invested in meeting with the professor, getting help from tutors and reviewing on my own.

I believe my response showed determination, dedication and commitment to my academic progress towards my major. It also, shows my ability to not only focus in getting a good grade but to find solutions on obstacles that anyone could face at one point regardless of their position.