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Modern day slavery still exists in many countries, including the United States. The victims of human trafficking consist of both males and females. Victims of human trafficking are not only adults or young teens but they are also young children. Women being the 85% of sex trafficking cases and men being 40% of labor cases.

Human Trafficking is the use of force, fraud, coercion, and manipulation to exploit human beings for some type of labor of commercial sex purpose, according to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime.

Trafficking industries include pornography, escort services, pimp controlled prostitution, brothels, sexual servitude, and domestic work. These trafficking industries are not only limited to women and men, children also become victims of these conditions.


Let’s End Human Trafficking                                                                                                                    300 Jay Street Brooklyn, New York 11201                                                                                            (Phone) 718-555-0101 (Fax) 718-555-0202                                                Letsendhumantrafficking.org