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Why I chose Dental Hygiene

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It was really important to me when choosing a career path that it be a field that allowed me to be able to interact with people daily. When I first started college I got a job as a dental assistant in a pediatric office and I loved the environment. What I really learned from the experience, was that I was in a position not only to get to know people, but to help them as well. Because I was working in a pediatric office, a lot of my job entailed calming the children down and quashing their fears, explaining the process of the procedures, and showing them how the dentist was there to help- not hurt them. I watched the hygienists in that office work, and saw how they educated the children on brushing techniques and other ways to care for their teeth and gums. I enjoyed watching them give little children a positive dental experience, and enlighten the teenagers and young adults on the importance of their oral care. From that experience, I decided I would be a hygienist in a pediatric office.

As I started my classes and hygiene school, I learned how much more there is to dental hygiene, and how much caring for the oral cavity- or lack thereof- affect the rest of one’s health. This reinforced the importance of sharing that knowledge with people, that dental health is a crucial part of one’s overall health. Clinical experience is where I got the chance to put my passion for what I was learning into play, and educate my patients. I so enjoy the opportunity I get each week to meet new people, clean their teeth, and teach them something that can help them create and maintain better oral habits. After seeing many adult patients, I learned that there are many ways to help and educate people in all walks of life. As for my future I’m excited to see what is in store for me!