About Me

Individual Strengths
Hi, my name is Ingrid Fortune. I am a Registered Nurse and  I have many individual strengths. One of my strengths is that I am a very good communicator. I communicate effectively with my coworkers, ensuring that they know the latest pertinent updates with the patients. I am also a great communicator with patients and families. I am able to comfort and calm a patient or family member in times of distress, depression and aggressiveness. I am also very patient and understanding. Nursing is a field where patience is required and needed in dealing with critically ill patients, demanding bosses and difficult co-workers. Another strength that I have is that I am able to critically think in abnormal, unusual or rare circumstances. I am not only able to critically think when something goes wrong with the patient but also if there is an issue on the floor between staff or management. I am able to effectively think of unique solutions in solving the problem and often times add a bit of humor to lighten up the mood.