My Philosopy

My Personal Nursing Philosophy.
I can proudly say “I am a Registered Nurse”. For as long as I can remember myself I was dreaming to be a teacher or a doctor. Back in Ukraine, I was working as a piano teacher for ten years. In America, I was able to combine my childhood dream in one career – to become a nurse. I love my job and believe that this profession helped me to build and organize my own believes, values, norms, and moral principles in my life and my career. I am able to combine the knowledge of medicine with constant education and promotion of health to my patients. My philosophy of nursing based on compassionate caring that respects the dignity and autonomy of each individual.
I am relying on Watson’s theory of care, and it’s central for me to develop a helping-trust relationship with my patients. The need for interpersonal trust relates to the vulnerability that associated with being ill. Without trust the patients may not access health services at all, not be compliant with treatment, and not believe that the healthcare providers will work in their best interest. I believe that a trusting and caring relationship is an absolutely essential component of nursing, and will determine patient’s confidence in health care. Also, this relationship will help clients identify their goals, strengths, and challenges. I value my patients’ wishes and what is important to them; even sometimes I personally disagree with their decisions. It is my moral and ethical responsibility to provide the individual needs for the best possible outcome.
Sensitive approach to different cultures is an essential aspect of my nursing practice. Constant process of getting new knowledge and skills in cultural competency helps me to work within cultural context of the client and family. This ongoing process embraces the combination of cultural awareness, knowledge, cultural skill, encounters, and cultural desire. I am working with clients of different age, race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. I feel an obligation to be patient’s advocate in delivery sensitive and cultural-appropriate care.
To sum up, I value holistic nursing. I consider that respect for every patient is vital in preserving a patient’s dignity, and delivery professional health care. Nursing is very dynamic, evolving, and self-fulfilling profession, and I am pleased to play an important part in it.

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