Gordon Park’s photography was taken around 1940 to 1950 when at the time racism was happening in America. The Africans-Americans community was suffering from poverty, racism, and inequality. Gordon Park was capturing the visual representation of the horrid time that the African Americans community and its people were going through that time.
Gordon Parks Untitled, Harlem, New York 1948 photograph showed the street of Harlem as a poor neighborhood with dirty metal trash cans overflowing with trash. The trash is on the sidewalk and the street does appear to look dirty. The Harlem community in this image looks like people have given up hope and barely making enough money to survive the next day. Given the time they were living in this could be the best they could have done from all of the discrimination and inequality African Americans were facing. A lot of businesses and communities had banned black people from their area and will have signs like “White Only” posted on a fence and windows. African Americans were significantly getting paid less than whites and usually worked low-income jobs due to racial inequality.
In class, we talk about ethics in today’s workforce and the many factors that contribute to ethics. Ethics can be different from one company to the other because not all companies have the same code of conduct and religious beliefs. At the time Gordon Park’s work showed probably the worst side of ethics where people were judge base on their skin color and had to follow a set of rules that put them at a disadvantage. His photography of the African Americans community in America showed the direct result of poor ethical choices that was made against the Black community.
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