The internship that I work on this semester is called Unity for Equality and they are based in New York City. They are a non-profit organization founded in 2016 by Neil Trivedi. Their main mission is to help the unfortunate that are below the poverty line, the elderly, students, minorities, and immigrants that are struggling with “financial problems, age, health, lack of employment, or lack of education.” The non-profit organization will provide services to help people so they can have a better chance at a good quality of life.

The non-profit organization Unity for Equality was founded in 2016 by Neil Trivedi. He started meeting with community activists and officially formed Unity for Equality to get communities the tools and resources needed to thrive and succeed. One of the key events in its history was during the pandemic of Covid 19 where the organization 2020 helped distribute over 4,000 masks to healthcare workers. In 2021, they help and assist communities and people that were substantially affected by the pandemic negatively. In Astoria, Queens they were able to give out approximately 1,000 face masks and hand sanitizers morning to afternoon to the community that was living in the area.

This is Neil Trivedi the founder of Unity For Equality and this page is the non-profit organization’s official website.

This is the link to their official homepage website.

I work within the non-profit organization in the Strategic Engagement Department which is responsible for content creation for social media. My department director is Jennifer Vazquez.

On their website, there is an article called Unity for Equality South East Africa Expansion. The article explains the organization has been helping New York for four years with local issues. They realized those same problems do not just occur in New York, but they also occur in other parts of the world. So they created a branch and now they have established a new office in Southeast Africa. They will help explore and address the serious concerns of the region. Concerns involve environmental issues, child labor, poverty, sanitation, education illegal poaching, deforestation, waste management, smuggling, and crime.

From TUC magazine, the article called “TUC Features: Neil Trivedi is Impacting Lives Through His ‘Unity For Equality’ Non-Profit Organization” is a Q&A interview with Neil Trivedi on how his non-profit organization had impacted the communities they have helped and talks about all the different projects they organization have done. Also, the struggles and the hardship that the organization has faced such as finding the right team members. During the Covid 19 pandemic, they made a huge impact on saving lives in their community by providing resources to healthcare workers and people of their community. The non-profit organization has grown into a global organization that has chapters that are spread throughout the corner of the world. Countries such as India, Morocco, Liberia, Egypt, and Bangladesh.

Here is the link to the article.

TUC Features: Neil Trivedi is Impacting Lives Through His ‘Unity For Equality’ Non Profit Organization

This is the logo for their non-profit organization.