Lab description:

We are using app inventor to create simple apps. Their’s two part of creating app by using app inventor. one is creating interfaces on the edit screen where we can design the icons and layout and also import media files. second part is the blocks editor, its an programming just by moving the blocks, it’s base on Java. The block makes programming so easy, it’s just like every command, method, and codes are already type, we just need to copy and paste to where we needed. Last part of app inventor is that we can run our app on emulator, try to see if anything is wrong before package into our device. In this lab, we are creating an paint app. While we are following the steps, we learn how to create colors, buttons, and other components. After finishing the interfaces, we learn how to make theses components work by moving the blocks which is programming. Last we test our app to see if it work exactly the same we expected.