Archives for category: Announcements


As a fellow blogger for about 6-going-on-7 years, it comes a time when you start getting random strangers visiting your site, commenting on your articles or works, or taking notes and citations on your site for their own website or blog. That is too if you have friends, acquaintances, or spread the word online about your website.

Right now, I’m currently part of a Vocaloid community where fans of Vocaloid get to speak and discuss about the latest, ask questions, and give opinions relating and about Vocaloid. It’s an amazing community, especially since I’ve been a fan of Vocaloid since it became big back in 2007. It became nerve-wreaking for me, at first, to try and become part of the Vocaloid community even though it was small back then, especially in the States and not many spoke English. However, I had the courage to become part of the Vocaloid community and now I’m recognized as one of the top promoters and fans of Vocaloid. It’s an awesome feelings to be those “first” people who knew about it before it became popular but even so I’m glad to become a part of it.

Whether you’re interested in that stuff or not, anyone can be part of any community, whether online or offline. To do so, you just need to speak up (or type up if it’s from the web) and just chat and communicate with the community about yourself, your interest, and maybe why you want to become part of the community (if you really, really want to). That’s…basically it. Yeah, it’s pretty simple.

So, if you’re ever interested in being part of the community, you can join my Facebook page. I’m currently one of the admins for the site and the guys are really awesome and friendly. You can also visit the Vocaloid community’s reddit page here that discusses everything relating to Vocaloid along with FAQs and other randomness relating to Vocaloid.


Hi everyone! Just as title says on the left, welcome to hyperfunction!

Now I know what you are thinking: Just what is hyperfunction? hyperfunction is a blog news feed site dedicating to bringing news and updates relating to interactive web design. Unlike most web design/programming blogs out there, our mission is to present the more “fun” side to web design/programming. We present websites people have creating using coding languages (like HTML, CSS, & Javascript) to build sites from coding web games to really cool interactive and creative portfolios.

Whether you are familiar with code or not, there is much to enjoy and experience that people all over the world have created using the web coding languages. They have create some high-level websites that are not only advanced but creative, interactive, and fun to look at and mess around with. This is what hyperfunction will be focusing on for this blog and we want you guys to check them out and enjoy looking at these awesome sites just as much as we do.

We hope you enjoy your stay and stay tune for new posts every Tuesday!