Category Archives: My Life

Long times no see, Dear OpenLab

It has been a very long times since my last post here on open lab. During last semester, my research class professor was often reminding us the benefits of Open Lab can bring to us. Open lab is a FREE site for all Citytech Students and we should take advantage and use. It is a great platform to be connected with Professors and classmates in school.  Most importantly, we can upload our works and turn it into a great digital portfolio, which can be use to market ourselves to pursuit future careers.

Many years ago, I used to write a lot of posts in a Chinese blog site, share my days and interests weekly. Writing things in Chinese is definitely a lot easier because it was my first language I have learned.  I have to admit that I’m not comfortable in writing posts in English because English writing has always been my biggest weaknesses. There were times that I have to sit in writing center for so long just to have one page writing to be corrected. That’s why I have chosen Art design major when I first entered college. Eventually, I have found Hospitality was actually something that I’m more passionate and wanted to do beside Art. I really enjoy the energy and many great things about hospitality field. As result, hospitality has become my major and Art become my minor.

Few years ago, I was always afraid to go to English class and anything that’s writing related. Being in Art major allows me to learn so much on the creative side, think outside the box and pay close attention to details. Good thing about being in Art major you don’t have much essays and papers for many classes, except research classes. CityTech has offered so many great programs that I have chosen to stay after gotten my associated degree in Art design and begun my study in the hospitality management program. The day I got my program switched, the chair person stamped an approval note on the blue sheet.  It was the most exciting, tear and joyful moment. I was then officially a hospitality student in CityTech. Through the past few semesters, I have learned so much in both culinary and baking in working at the kitchen with teammates. My friend Ed used to tell me “if you enjoy what you do, you don’t work a day in your life…”. Now looking back all those years in school , I really really have enjoyed. Until this day, I still enjoy every day in school being part of the baking production class.

Most often, I don’t consider myself working in the kitchen, but having fun and learning the sometimes. I have acquired many new skills throughout semesters, which I am really proud of myself. Emmmm, let’s put it this put, being part of baking class was like creating Art with edible items. I was able to put together things I have already known and use the skills. What a perfect way to collaborate things I have already known with something new and create something interesting and tasting to the guests, right?

So let’s go back to the writing post topic, I believe in Practice makes perfect.  From now on, I will utilize this great site to share many things that I have learned, encountered, interested in my life. Especially things that I thought worth to share here in Open Lab. Hopefully that I can improve my writing and share the happiness you all the same time. Alright, so it’s like “kill two birds with one stone…”! Until next time, this is a little long but not too short introduction about me.


My Halloween Day Fun at Work

Halloween doesn’t exist while I was growing up because it is not part of my culture or celebrate it before. Until moving to America, I have experienced the many holidays that I have never celebrated before; which included Halloween day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.

In my culture, we have our own holidays that gather the families together just like Thanksgiving. However, after many years living in America, my family has gradually started to adopt the new culture and would celebrate sometimes. For example, Mom would set up  Christmas tree in the house with twinkle lights on the tree. I came to America at a young age but have never gone to trick or treating . I was always scared and shy. On Halloween, I would just watch through the window, seeing children with different costumes and ringing door bells one by one for candies. HA-HA… After graduated from HS, I have found myself my very first job working at a discount store, where there’s almost everything you can think of. During holiday seasons, the store would sell decorations and many different holidays’ essentials. During the month of October, the store sells Halloween costumes, decorations and much more for this “Crazy and wild holiday”. Young children, grownup, people from different ages would appeared in the store shopping for Halloween. Guess whats my favorite part? Yup, that would be dressing up and giving out candies to the children.

For the years I have been working day, I have dressed up in different characters. This year, I have dressed up as a Zombie; the idea was from the walking dead. I really like to watch zombie series TV shows and Movie. So on this year’s Halloween I had so much fun putting makeup on my face and turned myself in a “zombie” with torn Shirt that has fake blood stains;Which made it looks like a real“walking dead”.

With my new look, I have candies really and staying by the door waiting for trick or treat people to come. Sometimes, younger children would come up to me and back up few steps because of my scary look. Then they smile and said “trick-or treat”. I replied with a big smile,” Happy Halloween” and hand them candies. I really enjoyed Halloween day and interacting with people came to trick or treating.

Its like childhood dream came true. At the end, I would feeling exhausted but the fun I had made all worth it. Really appreciated to my bosses for giving the opportunity that I didn’t have when I was younger. That day, I’m n ot only working but having fun at the same time. 🙂

Dressed up as a Zombie
Lots Candies! 🙂