Category Archives: Coursework

Amazing thing about the Topic

When a random person come up to you speak an unfamiliar language, you might of guess whether he/she is talking about good things or bad things about you.

We living in a very diverse country, where people come from all over the world. We all have our own cultures and customs. We celebrate different holiday and eat different food. However, if you have the ability to speak and understand the language of a particular group that you are not original from could be one of the amazing thing. This allows you to have a better understanding of their cultures and many great information about them. You do not have to question yourself about what they are talking about. You can blend in the group and to interact, learn about their one of kind background that is different as your own. We are diversity, which made our community a much interesting place.

How am I different as compared to other people?

For class HMGT 2405, Hospitality marketing, we ourselves are the product. We use different platforms to present ourselves to the world. Let people know about our strengths, advantages and valuable qualities as individual. For example, letting our future employers to know our characteristics that are worth to hire us for a particular position. In this blog, we are responsible to blog about a topic which some would say you know better than any other living person.First of all, we are all one of kind. Just like the fingerprints and the snowflakes that are all equally beautiful and unique. The qualities we each obtain make us significantly valuable.

I’m student here in New York City College of Technology, CUNY, Brooklyn. I am currently majoring in the Hospitality Management. I have received an associate degree in Advertisement Major. Art has played an important role in the first few years of my college life because it’s a way of express my passion in a creative way. I have always believed a picture tells a thousand words. Therefore, I have studied Art to improve my creativities that can benefit me later in my life. I am an outgoing person and always enjoy meeting with different people. Especially, learning about people cultures and try different food.

Hospitality field allows me to learn so many exciting things I enjoy each day, such as baking, cooking and interacting with different students with different backgrounds. There are classes allow me to learn knowledge on working and managing a hotel or restaurant in general. In the future, my goal is to have my own bakery shop. The idea enables me collaborate both my creativity in art and hospitality together as one. I want to delivery my hospitality to the people through my passion and enthusiastic.

WHY you have picked your topic?

This post is for my Hospitality Management course HMGT 3502 Research Seminar here in CUNY, Citytech, Brooklyn. WHY you have picked your topic?

I have chosen to research the topic, Bilingual because I believe it could be a big plus in one’ resume. When one speaks more than one language enable them to have many advantages in life. For example, Job opportunities enrich their lives, entertainment, learning experience, educated themselves and help one another and much more. I have learned to speak my second languages after came to America at a young age. Actually, I am able to speak two and a half languages because I also know a Chinese local dialect called Wenzhounese, often referred as the “Devil language”. It is a very popular dialect spoken in Queens, Flushing. Wenzhounese is a little different as compared the main language, mandarin. Wenzhounese does not have its own form of writing. Meanwhile, people often said it is difficult to learn.

In my own experience, able to speak more than one language has helped me so much in different circumstances. Since English was not my first language, I often have to digest what others saying in Chinese first then respond them in English. In the beginning, it was not easy at all because I didn’t learn English back in my own country. When I first started school here in America, I have met a very nice friend named Valentina. She has helped me so much in the process of learning this new language. I had difficulty in communicate with my teachers and have no idea what my teachers were telling me. Under the help from Valentina, I have gradually picked up word by word. This example shows being a bilingual not only enrich one’ life but help another, as well.Especially applies to people whom are working at the hospitality field; we are providing friendly, generous services to our guests each day. In order to meet our customer’s satisfaction, we have to make sure meeting our customers’ need at all time. There are visitors from all around the world to visit this beautiful land but not many can speak the language, English. When we able to speak the language the visitors speak enable them to feel home and more enjoyable during their visit.

As conclusion, when one has the skill to speak more languages can learn about another person’s culture. One of my teacher used to say, our brain is like a elastic band;The more we learned, the bigger it will expand. In other words, knowledge is power, language leads  you to build power and make more friends. Learner obtain knowledge, help one another and expand their visions in different cultures. As a bilingual student, I am very proud to speak more than one language and embrace my own culture. I want to share my experience with others, everyone should speak more than one language because of all the advantages that come along.



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