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Readings for Tuesday, Nov. 3

Ack!  It’s come to my attention that the third edition of our textbook does not contain “The Gospel of Wealth” or “How the Other Half Lives.”  Please find scanned copies of the readings below.  Copies will be provided in class as well.

Getting Started

Aha!  I’m so glad that you’ve found your way to our OpenLab site.  This is designed to be a great resource to review assignments, access the readings and exercises we utilize during class, and have a way to check in with one another.

Take a look around and familiarize yourself with the page — feel free, too, to make suggestions if you see opportunities for our site to be even more helpful.

Fall 2015!

Writing, in its earliest stage, is best considered a work in progress.  This site is no exception.  Here is to a great fall 2015 semester, and a OpenLab site that is poised to grow more robust and, in turn, more helpful.