Case Studies

Case Study 1

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27 Year old Male. Patient presented with generalized marginal inflammation, tissue was bulbous, red and shiny. Generalized calculus on all surfaces. Moderate BUP. Pocket depths as seen above ranged from 1-5mm.


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Same, 27 year old Male, after 3 month Recall. Slight marginal inflammation was present mostly on the anterior lower linguals. Tissue was flat, pale pink and stippling was present. Probing depths ranged from 1-4mm.


Case Study 2

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6 year old, Male, Pedo patient. Patient was extremely nervous and anxious to see me. He has a fear of the dentist. It is mostly because he had ECC, and because of that he had two crowns placed by his dentist with the administration of local Anesthesia. During his visit with me I wanted to ensure him that going to the dentist is not always painful.