Global Sourcing & International Retail Trade BUF 4300

Headline Global Sourcing: 2019 Outlook - Industry Today %

Figure 10

Economic perspective of textile products, production and global sourcing, with emphasis on United States Fashion industries.


1. Visit an authentic ethnic restaurant of predominately of one ethnic taste (i.e. Taco Bell & Olive
Garden does NOT count as ethnic restaurants.
2. Answer the following question in a four –five (4-5) page typed report using your five senses:
taste, sound, sight, touch, & smell. You must use notes from lecture.
a. How were you addressed when you entered into the restaurant? Did you need to make
reservations? How long was the wait before you were seated?
b. What are the cultural differences you notice? (Use class notes) Using your five senses
of taste, touch, sight, smell, & sound describe some of the cultural differences that you
are not accustomed to in comparison to All-American restaurant or restaurant chains.
For example, one can describe but not limited to the sights in the restaurant décor, odors
from unusual foods, and sounds from music. One should use all five-senses in this
cultural experience.
c. Look at the menu. What are the types of foods they offer? What are some unusual
items? Do they describe the ingredients in the food? List various food items from the
menu. What menu items did you order? Is there more than one language used to
describe the foods on the menu?
d. Is a traditional salad offered? If not, describe what is offered. What types of breads are
offered (flat, pita, tortilla chips)? What type of desserts (cheesecake, fortune cookie,
coffee)? What are they like?
e. What types of beverages are offered? Do they have an alcohol menu? What is not
typically offered in an American chain restaurant?
f. How is the food reflective of the cultural geography and the economic geography (Use
class lecture notes)? (i.e. spices are abundant in India which is rich in spices & fish
(sushi) is popular in Japan & it is part of the G8). Describe approximately where in the
world (continent & location) and from country this culture’s food is best known.
g. Describe the dress? (Dress is inclusive of all five senses – you smell perfume, hear
jewelry, see make-up, etc.…) What are the employees, such as hostesses or wait staff
wearing? Please use Eicher-Roacher-Higgins (1992) article to define dress and answer
h. Rate your experience as a food critic (as in the LA Times or Houston Chronicle).
Ratings should be dependent on taste, service, décor, cleanliness, authenticity, quality
and price and should range from A-F (“A” being the best). Explain why you chose this
rating. Be thorough and detailed in your explanations.
i. What did you learn from this experience that you could contribute to a multi-cultural
experience in a class discussion?

International Palette
