Exploring Possible Solutions

Multinational e-waste commitment policies

This solution proposes a multinational, centralized approach to disposing of E-Waste that each set of countries would agree on. This results from a lack of initiative from developed countries to properly dispose of E-Waste. The most successful result of this proposition can be found in the European Union under the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) Directive (Shittu, 2021).

Old For New Policy

Another solution includes the “Old for New” policy as was implemented in China. The “Old for New” policy saw companies being responsible for electrical and electronic equipment from the production stage and until it is disposed of. In other words, companies were held responsible for these items throughout their life-cycle (Cao et al., 2016).

Self Refurbishing

Finally, we could learn how to fix old electronic devices ourselves. If you would be able to do that, the need to recycle would be lowered. You could continue to fix electronic devices which will help reduce E-Waste by extending a devices usage.