What to do after creating your thesis outline…

Choosing a topic is easy. Writing about your topic is a different story. So choose carefully, intelligently, and passionately. How you feel and think about your topic will determine how your research paper will come into shape.

So it is a few sessions into research seminar and from your chosen topic you were finally able to create the required thesis outline 3 x 3 x 3 complete with citations…what is the next step?

Print out the owl purdue apa sample paper, your thesis outline, and all your sources. Arrange your sources according to your thesis outline citation, label accordingly if it belongs  on the problem part or solution part. Write the last name of the author and the year it was published on the first page of your sources for easier citation. You are now ready to start writing the body of your research paper.  Writing the body may not happen overnight. So if you can deduct 30 minutes from the amount of time you spend on Facebook or Twitter and devote it to writing, you will be fine.



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