An article from Walden University lists seven challenges students come across when conducting research. Challenge one is choosing the right research topic. Choosing the right topic is one of the most important parts of writing an essay. It is also one of the most difficult parts of building a paper for students. Challenge two is choosing the right methodology. A methodology is a procedure for conducting your research so you can move forward. There are so many approaches with choosing methodology that choosing the ‘best’ one can be difficult. Challenge three is assembling a research team. Once the research topic and methodology are in place, you will need a research team to support you. Challenge four is finding study participants. For some papers, students need to conduct studies and this means finding participants. Challenge five is getting institutions to participate. Sometimes recruiting study participants requires going through institutions, which may put up barriers particularly if your research is controversial or sensitive, and this presents an additional challenge. Challenge six is staying motivated and working your plan. Sometimes when working on a research paper, the biggest challenge can be maintaining motivation despite obstacles in your research. The last challenge is dealing with your data. When the study is completed the final challenge is making sense of all the data you’ve collected. Our website, HMMM, can clear the anxiety these challenges bring up by making the research easier. Through our resources and representatives we can eliminate information overload by making sure the student finds exactly what they need. Our site can even be used to link fellow members in order to support when another in research and find study participants.
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