Local Gold?

As the market has shown saffron at times has toppled gold with its price per gram and in ancient times was used as currency. Here’s a nice piece about very local “saffron” from LuckyPeach.com

I was in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, visiting my mom recently, when I spied a long-forgotten fixture of the local supermarket checkout aisle: a display of Mosemann’s saffron packages, each one carefully stapled to a card background, just beyond customers’ reach. We bought one, and as I examined the familiar Pennsylvania Dutch-styled packaging, I noticed that Mosemann’s saffron comes from Spain, which struck me as odd. I’d always believed it was locally grown in central Pennsylvania. It made me wonder: was “Pennsylvanian saffron” just a local legend?


The FDA Bans Trans-Fats in Restaurants

The Food and Drug Administration is expected to issue restrictions this month to snuff out the artery-clogging fats that ex-Mayor Mike Bloomberg banned in New York City eateries nearly a decade ago, sources say.

It was Bloomberg who led the charge to ban trans-fats, which have been outlawed in NYC restaurants since 2006.

So much food is wasted because it’s ugly

You Can’t Always Trust a Title – The Good News About E. Coli Food Poisoning

Fewer Americans are getting sick from a nasty germ sometimes found in undercooked hamburgers, the government reported Thursday.

The latest report card on food poisoning shows illnesses from a dangerous form of E. coli bacteria have fallen 20 percent in the last few years

An Indispensable Guide To Cutting Any Recipe In Half

From the Huffington Post:

Recipes are great. They encourage us to try new spices and play with different techniques. The only problem is that sometimes they make way too much food. Sure, there are occasions when we need to make chicken dinner to feed eight people, but those times are rare. Sometimes a couple dozen cupcakes are necessary, but we only want to bake a half dozen more often than not.