Hi! My name is Vanessa Ramos Cerezo and I picked Hospitality Management as my major because I enjoy cooking. At first it was just a fun hobby, but throughout high school it developed into a passion. I’ve had internships in high school where I’ve managed to get an inside look of how restaurants operate , how the food is brought to the table and what could be done to provide the best customer service. I am excited to be in City Tech and I am ecstatic to learn and explore the endless possibilities this major has to offer. I only have a short term goal for now, which is to graduate. As for long term I am still trying to figure it out. I have thought of opening my own place where I can teach people to cook or bake. Not professionally, but for those who simply want to pick up on a few skills that would be helpful to have. Another idea I have is to open up a restaurant of my own but there is still a lot I have to learn before I make a solid decision.
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