
My philosophy centers on Watson’s (1977) theory of care. This is based on a set of values that incorporates my own, where knowledge, education and kindness are involved in all areas of nursing practice. These ideals are directed towards the inner person, as well as being influenced by the patient’s life experiences and environment. The goal of this philosophy is to aid and guide the patient towards harmony, in mind, body, and soul through caring transactions and providing a safe and supportive environment.

 The top ten caring behaviors evidenced by nurses in caring for patients are; listening, comforting, honesty, patience, responsibility, providing information so the patient can make a knowledgeable decision, touch, sensitivity, respect, and calling the patient by name (Taber’s, 1993).

                On the basis of my own personal experience, I always try to develop a relationship with my patients, where I am creative in determining what they might need for treatment. This is not done just with medical and scientific knowledge but by having empathy to their situation and relieving them of their doubts and fears in kindness.