Free-Write #4 (I Remember Poem)

I remember the first time I refused to drink milk.
I remember my sister telling me about the first time I sleep walked.
I remember having the same nightmare for almost two years of my life. I was being chased and kidnapped by a mysterious shadow while I was walking behind my mother.
I remember the first time I learned how to do a cartwheel.
I remember the first time I did a split as straight as the lines on the floor.
I remember the time my mom forgot to pick me up from school.
I remember the time my mom brought be McDonald for lunch at school.
I remember the first time I went on a plane, I got plane sick.
I remember getting plane sick every time after the first.
I remember being on a boat during a storm and I couldn’t see the water from my seat.
I remember the first time I returned the serve my tennis coach made.
I remember the nervousness right before jumping down the platform and into 10 feet deep water.
I remember the first time I swam in the ocean in Hong Kong and I held on to a little girl half my size.
I remember the excitement from the first concert I attended at Madison Square Garden.
I remember my favorite stuffed monkey foll ripping, the one that I got for my 8th birthday.
I remember my childhood.