While working in this educational institution and working on the video project. I realized there are still rooms to improve. With more than four years of experience in video editing and graphic design. I was very confident about my skills and the end products.
This week, my supervisor and I came together after he reviewed my project. We set up a meeting with just two of us to discuss further refinements on the project. I thought it would just be some minor changes to the audio and transition. However, I pointed out a couple of mistakes and some major changes to the frames.
One improvement is needed if the duration of one frame is too long. In the market nowadays, people are more attracted to short videos and have less engaging time with longer frames. The suggestion from my supervisor is to limit one screen to three to four seconds and transit to the next screen to keep the audience engaged.
Another piece of advice I received from my supervisor is the duration of my photo shows is too short. Because it is a video of an event experience, we want the audience to be able to enjoy the photos. Therefore, I extended the duration to two to three seconds for each photo. So, they are not too quick and also flow with the music beats.
I was able to take the feedback from my supervisor and revisit my files after the meeting. We also discussed the next milestone of this project in the meeting which is the motion graphics portion of the project.

Since most of my works are individual projects, there are no communications with other designers/editors. Nevertheless, in my other internship in a non-profit organization, we are working on a collaborative project. What was successful about it is how magical we can have thousands of ideas from talking in the meeting. And we always learn from each other. But there were also unsuccessful moments when we disagreed with one another. When the time comes, we always make sure we have good communication and be good listeners.