Slavery and the Making of America

Here is the first episode of  PBS documentary Slavery and the Making of America. The Steven Mintz, “The Origins of New World Slavery” should serve as an excellent overview to add context to your viewing.

The middle segment of episode one covers topics from your reading regarding indentured servants and slaves in the Chesapeake.  The first 15 minutes describes the establishment of slavery in New Amsterdam/New York.  The last part of this episode describes slavery and race in South Carolina. You may also find these Viewing Questions for Slavery and the Making of America useful.  I will hand out copies in class today.

The episode compares the institution of slavery as it was established in three regions of the US: Middle Colonies (New Amsterdam), Chesapeake, and the Deep South (South Carolina).  Many assume slavery in America was always a permanent, race based system from its very introduction. Please note how servitude transformed over time into a strict, race-based system…especially in New Amsterdam and the Chesapeake.

After watching the film, think about the following questions:

  1. Can (or should) the experience of African slaves and servants be compared to other migrant groups and immigrants?  
  2. How did race become a more significant factor in American life in colonial North America?

We will discuss the topic of race and American identity next Monday. Please read the Franklin and Crevecoeur excerpts as well as the Federal Naturalization Laws of 1790 and 1795.  Either print documents and bring to class or be sure to have access to them on your phone, tablet or laptop.  We will read each carefully.

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