Personal Statement

As I’ve stated in my introduction, I’ve been a RN since 2006, which would make this year my eighth year in the field. Starting out as a brand new RN during that time, I don’t think I ever realized the impact that I made on the lives of people I took care of day in and day out. For me, I was just doing my job; and when people who were genuinely appreciative and thankful for the care I provided, I just thought, “oh, they’re just being nice.” I mean, I knew that what I was doing was a good deed, but I never fully realized the enormity of the impact I, and we as a nursing profession, had. This feeling and attitude unfortunately persisted for some time, even after I moved to New York.

It wasn’t until I moved, and took on a travel assignment at MSKCC, that I fully appreciated the nursing profession. As I said, nursing care here is top notch. I look at patients differently, and I am surrounded by nurses who give their all to their patients. The profession is highly respected in the institution, and is most certainly felt all around. I am happy to wake up to go to work each day (or night) and make the difference in patients’ lives in the capacity that I am able to everyday (or night).

As nurses, we are the bridge between the patients and everybody else. Their lives are in our hands, we spend twelve hours with these people on any given day; and it feels like we know them better than we know ourselves sometimes. We have the duty to care for, and touch these people’s lives, at their most fragile states, and that is a privilege that I proudly undertake.

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