Thank You Note

The following is an actual Thank You note I wrote to the manager who interviewed me for my first ICU position back home in Hartford, CT (initials of name used for confidentiality):

13 July 2007


S. W., Manager

Hartford Hospital

80 Seymour Street

Hartford, CT 06102 


Dear S.,

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule this past Monday to meet with me about the SICU/Trauma RN position at Hartford Hospital. I appreciate you considering me as a candidate for this position, as well as the time and energy it took to interview, and have me shadow one of your staff nurses, T.

After interviewing with you, and shadowing with T., I strongly believe I am the right candidate for this position, as I am ready and open to the immense learning opportunities that critical care has to offer, especially within a major trauma center that is Hartford Hospital; and I will also be an asset to the team here with the knowledge I’ve gained so far in my nursing education and practice.

I am very interested in working for you, and being part of such a dynamic, caring, and hard-working team of providers. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the final decision; and should you have any questions or comments in the meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me at (860) XXX-XXX, or email:

Thank you again for your consideration and time. Take care.



Helen Do”

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