Individual Strengths

As someone who has worked in several difference hospitals as a traveler, I feel one of my major strengths is the ability to seamlessly adapt to, navigate a healthcare system in a very limited amount of time. As travelers, we do not get the opportunity for long orientation periods, in fact, it is usually a shift to two at best. We have to basically hit the ground running, and are expected to perform ours job as meticulously and efficiently as the nurse who’s been there for years on end. I have the flexibility and the confidence that at any job I take, I will be able to efficiently adapt to the the work environment and practices of that institution with relative ease.

Again, having worked in many different institutions, interpersonal and communicational skills are definitely sharpened and refined with this experience. I am able to work with a very diverse range of people effortlessly. I listen carefully, ask questions appropriately, and intervene when I have a concern, all the while, considering and respecting what others’ inputs and views are. I am able to create an environment where there is mutual respect and consideration with and for everyone involved.

Having been an ICU nurse for almost ten years now, my critical thinking and analytical skills have continually improved and progressed over time, a process that is not slowing down. I am able to think about, recognize, evaluate the issue at hand in the larger context of a very complex disease process, and thus intervene in the capacity that I’m able to. I have the sense to detect the imminent threat of a situation before it arises, and act appropriately. The knowledge I have gained through education, and my work experience so far has vastly helped fine-tune my critical thinking and analytical skills in the greater good of my patients who I am responsible for.

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