Video Interview Project

An Interview with Jia Wei Wang


  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. What made you get into Graphic Design?
  4. Is there any designer(s) or brands that you admire? If so, does it influence your work?
  5. What do you see yourself in 5 years?
  6. How well can you take criticism?
  7. Have you started making designs of your own?
  8. Mac or PC?
  9. What software do you use when you design?
  10. What advice would you give for up-coming freshmen students who want to major in COMD?


This Project is about interviewing a student, and creating at least a 1-2 min video.


These were the following questions I thought of when I read Jia Wei’s bio, I thought these questions would insight the viewer more about who Jia Wei is as a student outside of City Tech. He’s like the typical average guy who isn’t afraid to speak to anyone and he’s genuinely nice. Interviewing him was insightful and interesting. However, it wasn’t too difficult. The challenge was editing the video, since the video time lapse was exactly 5:44 mins. I felt like the things Jia Wei said was important. It was pretty hard to edit out certain things he said without making the video cuts looking weird. Overall, it was an interesting process to work on creating a video relating to digital media.


This is the interview: