LOGO History Paper

Hadassah Boodhoo

Digital Media Foundation

Professor G



Logo History: Stella Artois


Logos play a crucial part in brands and companies. You can easily tell a brand from its logo, like Apple products: iPhones, iPads, etc. has a bitten apple on it. You know what it looks like and differentiate from other products like Samsung or other phone brands. Logos have some really interesting stories of how they develop over time. A logo that will be discussed about is the Stella Artois logo. It was one of the first logos to be made before graphic design became a thing in the modern age. This logo was made in 1366, in Belgium.

Interestingly, the logo has never changed since then. I checked out their website, and receive information about the origins of this beer product and their history behind it. This beverage is popular world-wide. This font used is Friz Quadrata Bold. This beautiful serif gives it an interesting look on the brand name. Interestingly, I searched up the pantone colors on this logo, and to my surprise I could not find the exact information of the colors used in this logo. So instead, I just used a website that dedicates itself to find the exact color pantone. When I uploaded an image of the Stella Artois logo, interesting results came along and I found a few pantones that contributed to the logo and pantone colors that relate to it. The pantone colors used are:

color #ffffff  RGB(255,255,255)

color #df0209  RGB(223,2,9)

color #ae8446  RGB(174,132,70)

color #45110d  RGB(69,17,13)

color #6c4f2c  RGB(108,79,44)


    Since this logo was passed on for centuries, but what was the story behind this beverage delicacy. It started out like this, A website, discusses the print how it was created. It started in the middle ages, where education was only  restricted to upper-classmen. So these rich kids wanted a new kind of special brewery just for them. One of the most well-known breweries was known is Dehoorn, who created the Stella Artois drink. Centuries later, it was brought by Sebastian Artois, which he later on name the drink after him, but he kept the horns on the logo. “The pint of Stella, which means star in Latin, was just created in 1926 as a limited edition Christmas beer…”





Work Cited:

Clips, Papel com. “Stella Artois Brewery Tour | The Story Behind the Pint.” Papel Com Clips | Travel Blog, 22 Sept. 2018, www.papelcomclips.com/2018/09/stella-artois-brewery-tour.html.

“Pantone Color Matching, Online Pantone Color Guide.” Pantone Color Matching, Online Pantone Color Guide,Find Matching Colors from Images,Pantone Finder from Image, www.kmhpromo.com/find_pantone_color_from_image/?pmsimage=3940.png.

“LOGOROGA – Página 12 – Paraguay En Logos.” LOGOROGA, logoroga.com/page/12/.


Font Family Page, www.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/friz-quadrata/.

Home, www.stellaartois.com/en_us/home.html?UTM_Confid=KX7EK5Ye&utm_source=UNKNOWN_ENGINE_TYPE&utm_campaign=&utm_Campaignid=0&medium=PaidSearch&utm_term=.

Heritage, www.stellaartois.com/en_us/our-brand/heritage.html.