Author Archives: jamikar13

Posting two on Graphs

Jamika Russell


The Article ” The Old are Working, but not the Young”  in The New York Times was based the difference between working as a adult and working while you’re a teen. Some jobs want their employee to be older with more experience and on the other hand some jobs want their employee to be younger with more energy to want more. In the article, the writer is trying to persuade readers that older people in this past year has received more jobs than the young. According to the article, it stated  that “During the summer months this year, an average of 35.9 percent of men ages 65 to 69 had jobs.”

My occupation at this moment is a Assistant Teacher. With that job, statistics and probability plays a major role throughout my day. While teaching math it is my job to teach the children intermediate strategies for solving probability questions. Some kids get it right away and some don’t. And with probability statistics comes along with it. With the results from the probability question the kids can then take the results and create an analysis of data to better understand the format.

