Volunteer Work/ Projects

Head Start Program

It’s important for children from underprivilged homes to receive as much care and preventative care as privileged children. Applying 5% Sodium fluoride varnish was a meaningful experience.

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For Public Health, we attended the Head Start center in Brooklyn, NY to apply fluoride varnish. With the parents consent, we screened for caries, gave a referral with their current oral condition, and applied a topical fluoride varnish. I saw multiple cases of early childhood caries on children a young as age 4.

Service Learning Project

together with a group of other dental hygiene students we went to a pre school for developmentally disabled children where we educated the children on proper oral hygiene and home care.

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GNYDM New York Smiles Program
On December 2nd, 2015 we attended the Greater New York Dental Meeting at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan, to teach proper oral health to young elementary school kids. Some screened children for caries, taught proper nutrition, ran teeth related activities, assisted dentists in a dental van where dental exams were done.

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For our Health awareness Fair in City Tech, my group focused on the importance of ergonomics in the dental setting as well as any work setting where your ergonomics may be compromised.

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