
“Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” Quoted C. S. Lewis sometimes life has a way to challenge you and to come at you, sometimes those challenges, they either make you or break you. Now I can say in fact that coming to live the USA was quite challenging for me. Living in a new environment different from my culture, language, far from my family was hard for me to overcome in the beginning. However I did not let that challenging situation take me down, day by day I was following the process, the recipe to become a better person by enrolling myself in school, by going to church practicing my faith and belief and by working hard to make a living. By doing all that I can say that I have seen so many resources that were available for me, and were in me that I did not know that I had.

Becoming a Nurse has taught me so many things life wise. That nursing journey still pushing me to do more and still asking me to do more. Disappointments and failure can make you feel miserable and there are days that nothing seem to work for you. However quitting is not an option, all those disappointments and failure can work for you if you learned something from them. Being comfortable in everything in life, not having any hardship and not having any challenges to overcome that what everybody would like. However like Jesus has quoted” in this life you will have tribulations”. Nobody is exempt and for that reason I can conclude with that quote from Amit Ray “A bird is safe in its nest – but that is not what its wings are made for.” We all have wings if we look for them.