Professional development

Courses taken for Associate of Applied Science / Dental Hygiene 2018-2021

  • Chemistry
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Biology- Life & Physical Science
  • Biology-Anatomy & Physiology I & II
  • English Composition
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Microbiology
  • Voice and diction
  • Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I-IV
  • Oral Anatomy
  • Histology & Embryology
  • Periodontology
  • Radiology
  • Oral Pathology
  • Dental Materials
  • Pharmacology
  • Dental Materials
  • Public Health

Skill acquire during the Dental hygiene program -2019-2021

  • Infection Control and sterilization
  • Assessing patient’s medical & dental history to prevent any contraindications in the care provided to patient
  • Blood pressure screening and interpretation
  • Performing extra & intra oral cancer screenings
  • Probe for patient’s sulcus depth with high accuracy to ensure the best treatment based on the patient’s case type
  • Identify the signs of attrition, abrasion, abfraction, and erosion
  • Detecting caries clinically & providing caries risk assessments
  • Detecting both subgingival & supragingival calculus
  • Exposing digital x-rays (HBWs, VBWs, PAs, FMS, and Panoramics) in order to identify oral pathologies, suspicious caries, bone loss and calculus that may or may not be clinically visible
  • Scaling & root planning using hand instrumentation
  • Prophylaxis with soft tissue management
  • Fluoride gel & varnish application for remineralization of the teeth
  • Applying pit & fissure sealants with rubber dam or cotton rolls to teeth that have deep pits and fissures to reduce the risk of caries
  • Administering local anesthesia -field bock injections for pain management and patient comfort
  • Taking alginate impressions & and pouring models
  • Providing individualized oral hygiene instruction including Bass, Charter, Fones toothbrushing technique, and interdental aids
  • Courteous and professional communication